Students Transitioning to Engaged and Motivated (STEM) Success

STEM Success
California State University-Stanislaus
Academic Level
Issue Area
Key Personnel
Program Focus


STEM Success aims to engage Hispanic, underserved, and low-income STEM undergraduates in comprehensive, year-round programming to improve retention, persistence, and graduation. “Warriors on the Way 2 STEM” facilitates STEM students’ articulation with 10 partnering community colleges. “STEM Discovery Academy” is a comprehensive summer program designed to strengthen STEM major retention for incoming freshmen and transfer students. “Research Immersion for STEM Excellence” supports STEM retention by engaging students in faculty mentored hands-on scientific research.

Program Description

The STEM Success program services include STEM-specific, coordinated articulation with two community colleges, and The Commons, a gathering area for the STEM campus community, staffed with student tutors. Practices include student research, faculty mentoring, conference travel, peer mentoring, a summer experience for incoming STEM freshmen and transfer students, and a first-year general education course specifically for STEM majors. There is also an increased emphasis on developing non-cognitive skills during the first two years students spend on campus and articulation efforts have expanded to 10 community colleges.


  •  In 2019-20, Hispanic transfer students completed 63% of prerequisite courses— a 16% increase from 2015-16 and 117% increase from 2011-12 (54% and 29%, respectively).
  • 96% of program participants were retained in their first year compared to 63% out of 146 comparable students.
  • RISE Research increases 2-year retention of freshmen: Freshmen in STEM majors who participate in RISE are more likely to have remained in STEM through their second year than the comparison group (88% vs. 48%).