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A National Network of Leaders for Latino Student Success

The Latino community brings talent and vitality to America's economy, workforce, and society and we must accelerate their success. Excelencia in Education's national network of Presidents for Latino Student Success work with Excelencia to leverage collective expertise and resources, foster partnerships, and amplify current efforts at the national level to accelerate Latino student success.

P4LSS network - collage of presidents
The Journey - a road showing a GPS icon with an institution looking ahead
How Do We Work With Institutions?

Excelencia meets institutions where they are on their journeys to increase Latino student success with intentionality and impact.

Building Momentum for Higher Education Transformation

Excelencia’s network represents a small percentage of colleges and universities nationwide that disproportionately enroll and graduate Latino students. These institutions are changing the face of higher education.

The P4LSS network impact infographic
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