Stay Informed in 2024

Excelencia in Education 20 years of Service Logo


January 2024 marks 20 years of service and founding of Excelencia in Education in Washington D.C. as a national nonprofit organization with the mission of accelerating Latino student success in higher education. Below you will see information on what is to come in celebration of our anniversary. 

*Information is updated every month




2024 Fall Convening
SEPT. 29 - OCT. 1 | INVITE ONLY EVENT: 2024 Fall Convening

The meeting place for professionals setting the national agenda for Latino student success in higher education. By invite only, leaders from across the country from colleges, universities, evidence-based programs, philanthropy, business, and government who share our common cause-accelerating Latino student success for America's future, will connect at the nation's capital this fall. 




2024 Seal of Excelencia
OCT. 1 | INVITE ONLY EVENT: 2024 Seal of Excelencia National Announcement

On October 1, Excelencia in Education will announce which colleges and universities in America are earning the Seal of Excelencia certification and recertification, and joining a community of trendsetting colleges and universities intentionally serving Latino students, while serving all students.





Latino Student Success at Hispanic Serving Institutions Re-release
Jan. 23 | RESEARCH RE-RELEASE: Latino Student Success at HSIs Brief

Excelencia in Education marks 20 years of service with the re-release of our first publication, "Latino Student Success at HSIs: Findings from a Demonstration Project." With this seminal brief, we started shaping the national agenda for accelerating Latino student success in higher education by collaborating with HSIs leaders. 
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2024 Finding Your Workforce Release
Feb. 28 | RESEARCH RELEASE: Finding Your Workforce: Latino Talent for a Global Economy

This brief initiates a series that represents the latest extension of Excelencia’s hallmark work of bringing national attention to higher education institutions and practices advancing Latino talent, strengthening our economy, and ensuring America’s future. The brief provides a roadmap for employers to meet U.S. workforce needs by partnering with universities to increase the number of Latino college graduates.
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2024 Finding Your Workforce Release: STEM
Mar. 5 | RESEARCH RELEASE: Finding Your Workforce: Latino Talent in STEM

This brief identifies the top colleges and universities graduating and preparing Latinos in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and highlights select evidence-based practices to increase Latino student success in these disciplines. It also calls on employers to establish common cause with institutions by providing strategies for institutions and employers to link Latino graduates to the workforce.
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2024 Finding Your Workforce Release: Latino Talent in Health
Mar. 5 | RESEARCH RELEASE: Finding Your Workforce: Latino Talent in Health

This brief identifies the top colleges and universities graduating and preparing Latinos in health, and highlights select evidence-based practices to increase Latino student success in these disciplines. It also calls on employers to establish common cause with institutions by providing strategies for institutions and employers to link Latino graduates to the workforce.
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2024 Finding Your Workforce Release: Latino Talent in Education
Mar. 5 | RESEARCH RELEASE: Finding Your Workforce: Latino Talent in Education

This brief identifies the top colleges and universities graduating and preparing Latinos in education, and highlights select evidence-based practices to increase Latino student success in these disciplines. It also calls on employers to establish common cause with institutions by providing strategies for institutions and employers to link Latino graduates to the workforce.
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Finding Your Workforce: Latino Talent for a Global Economy Webinar
Mar. 6 | WEBINAR: Finding Your Work force: Latino Talent for a Global Economy

Ensuring America’s future to meet our nation’s economic and civic engagement requires both institutions and employers have a tactical plan to link Latino, and all, college graduates to the workforce. Leaders from institutions, employers, and philanthropy shared their perspectives and efforts for educating, preparing, and connecting Latinos to the workforce.
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Hispanic-Serving Institutions 2022-23 Cover
Mar. 20 | RESEARCH RELEASE: 2022-23 HSI Analysis

For 20 years, Excelencia’s annual release of lists of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Emerging HSIs (eHSIs), and HSIs with graduate programs (gHSIs), has provided a shared understanding of this vital set of institutions enrolling and graduating Latino students. Our analysis also includes a comprehensive factbook on HSIs and prompts national conversations on deconstructing the “S” in HSIs to ensure colleges are intentionally serving students.
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Latinos in Higher Education- 2024 Compilation of Fast Facts - Box
Apr. 9 | RESEARCH RELEASE: Latinos in Higher Education: 2024 Compilation of Fast Facts

Our latest compilation of fact sheets on Latinos in higher education provides a wide array of information on Latino students and the institutions they choose to attend to inform policy and mobilize change. Excelencia brings this analysis to the public with the support of 24 trailblazing, Seal of Excelencia-certified institutions that lead our national network. Learn More



Advancing What Works to Intentionally Serve Latino Students: Opportunities for Action - 2024 box
Apr. 24 | RESEARCH RELEASE: Advancing What Works to Intentionally Serve Latino Students: Opportunities for Action - 2024

This compendium of evidence-based program shows what is possible when programs and institutions meet student needs with intentionality. The publication curates 35 programs from over 200 programs in our Growing What Works (GWW) Database that serve Latino student success in asset-based ways. Highlighted programs address five critical areas: student and family engagement, first year experiences, bilingualism enhancing academic and career connections, building career pathways, and gender-based learning communities to support success.
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Policy Agenda Release Image
MAY 14 | RELEASE: 2024 Policy Agenda

Through research and analysis, and by listening to leaders and practitioners working every day to intentionally serve students, we keep our finger on the pulse and set the agenda for Latino student success in higher education. Having met with institutional leaders across the country to understand their perspectives, Excelencia released an updated policy agenda to progress current efforts to improve outcomes for Latino students.
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Excelencia on Medium - Latino Students are Key to Our Nation’s Prosperity
JUNE 5 | MEDIUM RELEASE: Latino Students are Key to Our Nation’s Prosperity

Increasing Latino degree attainment is key to our nation’s prosperity. Latinos, now making up about one in five Americans, represent the growing majority of college students today and face unique circumstances that institutions must address to support their success. This analysis explores the Latino student profile, how they pay for college, their degree attainment, their workforce participation, and the institutions uniquely positioned to serve them.
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Latinos in Higher Education - 2024 Compilation of Fast Facts - web pop-up banner with "Learn More" button.