Support Latino Student Success in Higher Education

Make your tax-deductible gift today to ensure America’s future with the talents of Latino students.

Your donation to Excelencia in Education will strengthen our national efforts to reach the goal of 6.2 million more Latino students earning college degrees by 2030 by:

  • Conducting data-driven research that applies a Latino lens to higher education.
  • Producing policy analyses and recommendations on significant issues in higher education impacting student success, such as affordability, HSIs, and workforce prep.
  • Identifying and promoting evidence-based practices that increase Latino student achievement.
  • Partnering with a growing community of presidents and chancellors committed to accelerating Latino student success to inform and compel action.
  • Convening colleges and universities to share and leverage transformation strategies that ensures Latino, and all, students thrive.

Excelencia is committed to intentionality and quality in all we do. Be confident that your donation will be used to its fullest potential, as reflected by our earning the 2023 Platinum Seal of Transparency from Candid. The Platinum Seal is awarded to organizations that meet the highest standards of transparency and accountability.


Make your tax-deductible gift today to ensure America’s future with the talents of Latino students.

Latinos in Higher Education - 2024 Compilation of Fast Facts - web pop-up banner with "Learn More" button.