Upward Bound – Trinity University
Trinity University
Academic Level:
Issue Area:
Support Services
Program Focus:
College Prep
Key Personnel:
Simone Carnegie-Diaz
Contact Info:
mcarnegi@trinity.edu | 210.999.7590
Upward Bound’s mission is to close the achievement gap and college graduation rates between underserved students and their more affluent peers. They aim to increase GPA, proficiency levels on state assessments in language art and mathematics, college preparation, graduation rates, and six-year post-secondary graduation rates.
Program Description
Since 1980, Upward Bound at Trinity University has served the same target community in a thoughtful effort to create a deep network of college access by serving high school students. Upward Bound transports students to Trinity University to increasing the comfort of students and families in a post-secondary environment. Participants gain all privileges of a college student, having facilities to computer access.
Participants attend 15 Saturday sessions (90 hours annually), reinforcing the high school curriculum and strengthening academic skills to ensure college readiness. During the summer, they attend a six- week summer program (240 hours annually) where they engage participants in courses including research writing, literature, mathematics, and science.
During the academic year, while still in high school, students meet weekly with an academic advisor, providing guidance and support in individual sessions. Additionally, all families meet with advisors annually in English and Spanish meetings, where the participant’s unique educational goals are addressed. Through such intrusive advising, students develop academic goals, identify personal competencies, and families are empowered in the college process.
For the 2016-2017 academic year:
100% of their senior high school participants graduated and had a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better.
88% of high school participants enrolled in the fall term immediately following high school, compared to 45% of students at the targetted high schools.
58% of program graduates and 57% of Hispanics program graduates earned an associate or baccalaureate degree within six years, compared to 11% of students at the targetted high schools.
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