Latino College Completion-2019-2020 Cover

Latino College Completion: 2019-2020

Excelencia in Education
July 2022


While Latino enrollment decreased in 2020, we continue to see an increase in Latino college completion. This brief provides the most up-to-date overview of Latino college completion, including the top institutions where Latinos earn degrees, and progress towards the goal of Ensuring America’s Future through 6.2 million more Latino undergraduate degrees by 2030. 

Suggested Citation: Excelencia in Education. (2022). Latino College Completion: 2019-2020. Washington, D.C.: Excelencia in Education.


Latino College Enrollment: Past, Current, and Projections


Latino College Enrollment: Past, Current, and Projections

Latino student college enrollment had been growing at an accelerated pace for more than 20 years, but in 2020 dropped significantly despite previous projections of continued growth. In this fact sheet, we provide a summary of past, current, and projected Latino student enrollment. LEARN MORE


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