Community Education Coalition
Academic Level:
Community-Based Organization
Issue Area:
Program Focus:
College Prep, Parental/Family Engagement
Key Personnel:
Luz Elena Michel
Contact Info:
The objective of TuFuturo was to develop a “learning system” which would ensure each student (with support from their parents) is ready for the next step in their education pathway. Our mission is to support the Latino community to improve their lives through education. Support is provided from Pre-k through community college and/or baccalaureate degree attainment.
The primary goals are to co-create solutions to eliminate Latino education achievement gaps, align Latino education programming, and create a network for information sharing.

Program Description
The Community Education Coalition of Columbus, Indiana is a nationally recognized partnership of education, business, and community leaders focused on aligning and integrating Columbus, Indiana, and the region’s community learning system with economic growth and high quality of life. Since 2011, TuFuturo has implemented a number of strategies to improve educational outcomes for our Latino community.
The team has identified initial steps to improve the “learning system” for Latino students. Services are provided to the youngest children and their parents as a gateway to the rest of the educational system and college and career readiness support is provided through workshops from middle school through college for Latino students and families.
Increased Latinx high school graduation rates from 64% in 2007 to 83% in 2021. The equity gap for high school graduation rates between Latinx vs. all students in 2007 was -17.6%, in 2021 the gap was reduced to -1.9%
Increase percent of Latinx students who transition to postsecondary education by 13%. In 2011 just 39% of the Latinx high school grads enrolled in postsecondary education but by 2019 it increased to 52% enrolled in postsecondary education.