College Completion Gaps Between Latino and White Students Have Increased

July 20, 2023


Excelencia in Education's New Analysis Reaffirms We Must Accelerate Latino Student Success to Meet National Workforce Needs and Ensure America’s Future

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 19, 2023) – New analysis from Excelencia in Education shows college degree completion gaps between Latino and White, non-Hispanic students have increased in the last four years as Latino graduation rates have seen little progress.

The analysis, “Latino College Completion: United States 2023,” reveals that degree completion gaps between Latino and White students have increased in the last four years (2018-2021). At two-year institutions, the gap increased from two to five percentage points, and at four-year institutions, it increased from 12 to 13 percentage points.

“Despite recent questions about the value of a college degree, we are proof that a college degree makes a positive difference in the lives of individuals, society, and our country,” said Deborah Santiago, Excelencia in Education Co-founder and CEO. “The data confirm that a national tactical plan must be implemented to intentionally serve Latino students to accelerate their degree completion while all communities increase.”

It is impossible for the U.S. to meet its goal of having an educated workforce without accelerating Latino college completion given the Latino population’s youth, growth, and yet lower educational attainment levels than those of other segments of the population. Just 30% of Latino adults 25 years of age and older had earned an associate degree or higher in 2022, compared to 53% of White, non-Hispanic, 39% of Black, and 66% of Asian adults.

Key findings from the analysis include:

  • Degree completion gaps between Latino and White students have increased in the last four years (2018-2021). Since 2018, the graduation rate for White, non-Hispanics has increased at both two-year institutions (from 35% to 38%) and four-year institutions (from 63% to 65%). In comparison, the rate for Latinos has not changed at two-year institutions (33%) and has increased slightly at four-year institutions (from 51% to 52%).
  • Latino students are more likely to no longer be enrolled in college than their White peers. At two-year institutions, 45% of Latino students were no longer enrolled at any institution after three years compared to 38% of White, non-Hispanic students in 2021. At four-year institutions, 31% of Latino students were no longer enrolled at any institution after six years compared to 20% of White, non-Hispanic students in 2021.
  • While Latinos’ degree attainment has grown overall, it is still significantly lower than that of White, non-Hispanics. Over the last ten years (2011-2021), Hispanic adults’ degree attainment has increased from 20% to 28%. However, the gap in educational attainment between Hispanic (28%) and White, non-Hispanic adults (48%) is significant — 20%.
  • Latino representation among students continues to grow in every state. In almost every state, the representation of Latinos enrolled in K-12 education was higher than the representation of Latinos overall. Nationally, one in four students in K-12 and one in five students enrolled in higher education are Latino. However, outcomes in states and in institutions where they are located vary and create opportunities for more intentional action.
  • Nationally, the top institutions enrolling and awarding degrees to Latinos are concentrated geographically. While Latinos are in every state, the top three states in terms of Latino population are California, Texas, and Florida. Four of the top five institutions enrolling Latino students are in Florida and Texas. California institutions are only two of the top five institutions awarding bachelor’s degrees to Latinos.
  • Colleges and universities in Excelencia’s national network of Presidents for Latino Student Success (P4LSS) lead the nation in enrolling and graduating Latinos. Four of the top five institutions enrolling Latinos and all of the top five institutions awarding associate and bachelor’s degrees to Latinos in the country are in the P4LSS network. In addition, four of the top five institutions awarding bachelor’s degrees to Latinos have earned the Seal of Excelencia, a national certification for intentionally serving Latino students.

The analysis also identifies the top institutions enrolling and graduating Latino students across the country:

“Our country will thrive if we intentionally serve Latino students while serving all,” said Sarita Brown, Excelencia in Education Co-founder and President. “We are proud to work with a national network of forward-thinking institutional leaders who are demonstrating what is possible when it comes to accelerating Latino student success in higher education. Each has made common cause with Excelencia by committing to transforming their institutions to become places where Latino students thrive. In doing so, they are ensuring America’s future.”

The Presidents for Latino Student Success network represents just 5% of all colleges and universities, but it enrolled 31% and graduated 33% of all Latino students in 2022.

Excelencia’s analysis represents the most up-to-date information available on Latino enrollment and graduation including all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. It also identifies evidence-based programs improving Latino degree attainment. Excelencia regularly provides this data-driven snapshot of Latino college completion as part of a tactical plan to inform policy and practice that accelerate Latino student success in higher education, and to scale up programs and initiatives that work for Latino, and all, students.

Excelencia released “Latino College Completion: United States 2023” with public leadership and support from 25 colleges, universities, and systems in Excelencia’s national network. Working together, we remain focused on increasing Latino college completion for this country’s workforce and civic leadership:

  • Arizona State University
  • Austin Community College District
  • California State University Channel Islands
  • California State University, Fresno
  • California State University, Fullerton
  • California State University, Northridge
  • California State University, Sacramento
  • California State University, San Bernardino
  • El Paso Community College
  • Florida International University
  • Grand Valley State University
  • Long Beach City College
  • Maricopa Community Colleges
  • Mercy College
  • San Antonio College
  • The University at Albany, SUNY
  • Texas A&M University-San Antonio
  • University of California, Riverside
  • University of Central Florida
  • University of Illinois Chicago
  • The University of Texas at Arlington
  • The University of Texas at Austin
  • The University of Texas at El Paso
  • The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
  • The University of Texas at San Antonio

Access the full analysis here:


About Excelencia in Education
Excelencia in Education accelerates Latino student success in higher education by promoting Latino student achievement, conducting analysis to inform educational policies, advancing institutional practices, and collaborating with those committed and ready to meet the mission. Launched in 2004 in the nation’s capital, Excelencia has established a network of results-oriented educators and policymakers to address the U.S. economy’s needs for a highly educated workforce and engaged civic leaders. For more information, visit:    

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