Peter Atwill

Peter Atwill, Institutional Practices Manager, Excelencia in Education

Peter Atwill

Institutional Practices Manager

Current Position: 
Peter Atwill is an Institutional Practices Manager at Excelencia of Education. He manages our Growing What Works efforts by promoting and connecting programs shown to work for Latino students to help scale or replicate these evidence-based practices in institutions across the US. His particular focus is supporting improvements and managing the Growing What Works Database, made up of over 200 active programs initially recognized through our Examples of Excelencia.

Past Experiences: 
Peter joined Excelencia with a wide range of experiences supporting underrepresented communities in education. He has held roles in human rights programs, international education companies, and law schools across Jordan, China, and the US. Most recently he served as a Program Manager at Lutheran Social Services, managing federal and state grants while developing grassroots workforce and educational programs for refugees and asylees. Peter graduated from the University of Puget Sound with a BA in International Political Economy.

Why are you bringing your talent to Excelencia?
I’ve been passionate about improving employment and education outcomes for marginalized communities, which aligns with Excelencia's mission and goals. As a former program practitioner, it is a privilege to highlight those doing the work closest to students. Excelencia offers me a chance to pursue this work nationally, alongside those 200 plus program leaders creating environments that SERVE Latino students.

How would you describe working at Excelencia?
Excelencia is an energizing environment. I feel very blessed to work in a space where my thoughts and ideas can be folded into organizational efforts. It is a privilege day in and day out to work alongside others who are passionate about Latino student success

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