Additional Supporters' Comments to the Class of 2020 Latino College Graduates


Greater Than Graduation - A Campaign from Excelencia in Education

Hear motivational and congratulatory messages from additional supporters to the Class of 2020 Latino college graduates.


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“Sigan pa' alante y no se quiten que ustedes son el futuro.”
“Continue moving forward and don't quit because you all are the future.”
- Jonuel Garcia (Algareplena) musician from Puerto Rico
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“Con esta pandemia todo el mundo está trancadito y todo el mundo está pensado que todo se va a acabar, pero ustedes le dicen al mundo que lo van a seguir."
“With this pandemic everyone is staying at home and thinking that everything will end, but you are telling the world that you will continue to move forward."
- Fausto Mata, actor & comedian from Dominican Republic
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“I can't imagine what it was like to go through your last semester during these uncertain difficult times. I truly believe if you fight for what is right, always, and follow your dreams with a passion, you will become paragons for change.”
- Héctor M. Valdez, director & producer from Dominican Republic
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“Se, que si siempre luchan por lo correcto y si persiguen sus sueños con pasión, que ustedes serán esos catalistas de cambio que tanto necesitamos como sociedad.”
- Héctor M. Valdez, director & producer from Dominican Republic
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