Beyond Completion: Post-Completion Efforts at Hispanic-Serving Institutions Gabriel Bermea July 2022 Overview Post-completion success for Latino students is a conscious campus-based conversation that is gaining traction and support in a growing number of institutions. As the nation continues to recover from the economic impact of the pandemic, institutions intentionally focused on serving their students saw an opportunity to rethink their efforts to support Latino, and all, students beyond degree completion. As institutions continue to make progress on Latino enrollment and completion, Latino representation within the workforce is expected to increase by 3% every year. As a result of these changes, Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) are expanding their scope of Latino student success and taking active steps to create learning experiences that promote workforce preparation and foster Latino post-completion success. Excelencia in Education collaborated with seven HSIs to examine post-completion success efforts. Austin Community College California State University-Fullerton Long Beach City College Texas State University University of Arizona University of Illinois Chicago Wilbur Wright College Excelencia in Education's latest brief summarizes efforts by this cohort of HSIs engaged in conscious campus-based conversations to rethink their post-completion success efforts. Findings These HSIs are progressing beyond completion to meet the needs of the nation’s economy and develop strategies and practices that more intentionally serve Latino degree completers. Excelencia identified three strengths that demonstrate the cohort’s efforts to advance post-completion success efforts with the intention to serve Latino completers. These institutions showed strengths in: Offering culturally relevant institutional practices accelerating Latino post-completion success. Providing custom measures and metrics to track post-completion success outcomes. Demonstrating progress in closing the equity gaps of post-completion success outcomes for Latino completers. Excelencia identified three main areas of growth that institutions considered in their post-completion success efforts. These institutions seek to: Deepen their knowledge of data collection efforts and align measures to track post-completion success in both the short and long term. Forge intentional connections with employers and industries looking to diversify their employment pool. Make the case to institutional leadership for intentionally serving completers at their institution. Suggested Citation: Bermea, G.O. (July 2022). Beyond Completion: Post-Completion Efforts at Hispanic-Serving Institutions. Washington, D.C.: Excelencia In Education. Latino College Completion: 2019-2020 While Latino enrollment decreased in 2020, we continue to see an increase in Latino college completion. This brief provides the most up-to-date overview of Latino college completion. LEARN MORE Download Resources Beyond Completion: Post-Completion Efforts at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Research / Publication October 2016 California Policy Options to Accelerate Latino Success in Higher Education
Research / Publication July 2020 Tapping Latino Talent: How HSIs are Preparing Latino Students for the Workforce