Puente Project – University of California-Berkeley
University of California-Berkeley
Academic Level:
Issue Area:
Program Focus:
College Prep
Key Personnel:
Julia Vergara
Contact Info:
thepuenteproject@berkeley.edu | 510.642.7677
The Puente Project is a national-award winning program that for over 40 years has improved the college-going rate of tens of thousands of students. The mission is to increase the number of educationally underrepresented students who enroll in college and universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as mentors and leaders to future generations.
Program Description
Puente is an intersegmental academic preparation operation in California, Texas and Washington states. It was founded in 1981 as a grassroots initiative to address the low rate of academic achievement and university transfer among first generation Mexican American students. Since 1992, Puente is now open to all underrepresented students. There are presently 80 Puente community colleges and 50 secondary school sites in California. The Puente Project serves over 19,000 cohorted and non-cohorted community college and secondary school students directly each year where Latinos comprise the majority (76%) of program participants. Practices include rigorous English, math, and Ethnic Studies instruction with a culturally relevant and engaging curriculum; sustained academic counseling; structured participation in mentoring and student leadership activities and community service. In 2020, Puente developed and implemented an equity framework designed to support students' multiple and diverse identities. Through Puente's unique model, pedagogy of cariño and professional development, the goal is to ensure that every student feels a sense of belonging and has a positive academic experience.
Latino students in this program persist at higher rates than Latinos not served by the program and transfer to four-year institutions at higher rates than other underrepresented students.
80% of all Puente high school graduates gained admission to two and four-year colleges compared with 62% of all CA high school graduates and 55% of all CA Hispanic high school graduates.
In 2022-23, 73% of Puente high school graduates completed the ‘a-g’ course pattern which is required for admission to California’s four-year public universities. That rate for California underrepresented students and all California high school graduates is 44% and 52%, respectively).
Puente Community College Program students maintain enrollment continuity more often than all CCC students statewide. For Puente participants in the most recent evaluation of the program, 91% enrolled in two continuous semesters (Fall to Spring) as compared with 67% of all CCC students statewide*
*Fall to spring persistence rates of first-time students in the 2021-22 academic year.
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