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ENgaging LAtino Communities for Education (ENLACE) - University of New Mexico


University of New Mexico-Main Campus


New Mexico

Academic Level:


Issue Area:


Program Focus:

Community Partnerships/Collective Impact, Pathway/Pipeline

Key Personnel:

Lawrence Roybal

Contact Info: | 505.277.1804


ENgaging LAtino Communities for Education (ENLACE) is a grassroots initiative dedicated to empowering marginalized Hispanic/Latino communities through a comprehensive pre-school through graduate/professional educational pipeline. ENLACE sustains and increases learning opportunities and the degree of engagement among constituents at every level of education, beginning in early elementary school and culminating with college- and graduate-level education.

Growing What Works Database program
Program Description

ENLACE endeavors to reduce the Hispanic dropout rates in grades P-12 by helping to create statewide systemic change throughout a P-20 educational pipeline and, therefore, contribute to increasing the number of Hispanic students successfully graduating from institutions of higher education. ENLACE works in collaboration with the state Department of Education, Higher Education Department, as well as many legislators. ENLACE also sets out to institutionalize culturally-rooted best practices in classrooms across New Mexico. Other long-term goals involve policy work to mobilize Hispanic/Latino communities to continue advocating for improvements in educational opportunities for their youths and importing cultural competence into the school culture through parental input.

  • During FY20 179 of 181 students graduated ar a rate of 99%.

  • During FY20 646 of 679 retained students matriculated to the next grade level for a rate of 95%.

  • During FY20 675 of 679 participants were retained in the program for a rate of 99%.

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