Engaging Latino Communities for Education (ENLACE) - The Bronx Institute
CUNY Lehman College
New York
Academic Level:
Issue Area:
Program Focus:
College Prep
Key Personnel:
Martha Atencio
Contact Info:
The Engaging Latino Communities for Education (ENLACE) at The Bronx Institute has three goals it wants to achieve. First, they want to ensure accountability, competitiveness, and rigorous instruction for Latino students. Second, to have parents, family, and community engagement. Lastly, to develop systemic changes and institutional policy reform. The objectives of ENLACE are for students to graduate from high school with honors, have advanced New York State Regents Diplomas, and be prepared for and apply to top programs at top public and private universities. Additionally, ENLACE hopes to have students aspire to leadership positions in careers in which Latinos are traditionally underrepresented.
Program Description
The ENLACE program fosters and promotes equity and excellence in K-16, by involving administrators, teachers, parents, and the students themselves in a high-quality program that supports and enhances the educational opportunities of the students. The ENLACE program catalyzes bridging the gap between Latino students' reality and their dreams and aspirations. They create a college-bound culture among cohorts of 50 academically promising, economically challenged Latino students and helps them successfully apply and enroll in a prestigious post-secondary institution. Students are provided with an accelerated and rigorous curriculum, Regent SAT, ACT preparation, cultural enrichment, an enriched and project-based program, civic engagement, a strong post-secondary focus, a nurturing and supportive environment, motivation, a cohort of comparably talented peers, and in-depth college search.
Graduates from the first cohort of ENLACE are currently at colleges and universities finishing their freshman year. Of the 48 students in the cohort, all are in colleges that span from the State Universities of New York, the City University system, to MIT, Cornell, Hobart William Smith, Boston College, Wesleyan University, NYU, Columbia, Haverford, among others. Students received more than $2 million in scholarships.
2012 update:
100% of the class of 2011 are currently enrolled in 4-year colleges or universities.
100% of all ENLACE alumni (class of 2006) enrolled in 4-year institutions have graduated/persisted as of the spring 2012 semester.
ENLACE alumni, class of 2006 and 2011, enrolled in 4-year colleges at more than four times the national averages for Latinos aged 18-24.
100% of ENLACE alumni graduate from high school and enroll in college immediately following graduation.