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Eagle Promise Program


Houston Community College System



Academic Level:


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Program Focus:


Key Personnel:

Martin Perez

Contact Info: | 713.718.7005


The Eagle Promise Scholarship aims to remove financial barriers for students entering the Houston Community College System (HCC) directly from high school. The program assists students in accessing a quality education immediately after high school to keep them on track to obtain a 2-year degree within three years or less. In the Houston area, Latinos make up most of the young population, however they have not been able to attend college at the same rate as their non-Latino peers. Goals for the program include ensuring at least 50% of students in the program transfer or receive an award within three years; encouraging at least 60% of Eagle Scholars to enroll full-time; and assisting Eagle Scholars with their persistence, specifically aiming for 75% of Eagle Scholars to persist from their first fall to spring and 60% from their first fall to the next fall.

Eagle Promise Program
Program Description

A needs analysis showed most students in the local HHC area did not enroll in postsecondary education immediately after high school and cost was cited most frequently as a challenge. The Eagle Promise Program removes financial barriers by covering tuition, fees, and up to $500 in books. Students residing in the HCC taxing district and who have graduated from high school the spring prior to fall enrollment are eligible for this program. Potential students need to submit a FAFSA or TASFA and must have an Expected Family Contribution of less than $10,000. Program benefits can apply to any associate degree or certificate program requiring at least 30 credits.


The Eagle Promise program supports students enrolling full-time at HCC and have found that participants enroll higher compared to non-participants.

  • Latino Eagle Scholars enroll full-time at 61% compared to 29% for students who are not Eagle Scholars.

  • Among all Eagle Scholars, 63% enroll full-time for each term they enroll compared to 32% for other non-participating students.

Eagle Scholar students also have higher persistence rates compared to other students.

  • Eagle Scholars have persisted from their first fall to spring at a rate of 87% compared to 70% of other students.

  • Latino Eagle Scholars persisted at a rate of 87% compared to 71% for Latino non-participants.

  • Eagle Scholars persisted from their first fall to the next fall at a rate of 64% compared to 42% of other students.

  • For Latino students, their rates were 65% for Eagle Scholars compared to 45% for other Latino students.

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