Joey Marin
Executive Assistant
Email: jmarin@edexcelencia.org
Current Position:
As Executive Assistant, Joey directly supports the CEO across organizational efforts and assists the Executive Team with the management and tracking of projects throughout Excelencia’s portfolios. Joey coordinates scheduling for the President and the CEO, supports organizational culture by facilitating internal communication between executives and staff, and maintains contact with external collaborators.
Past Experiences:
Joey joined Excelencia with a wide range of private and public sector experience, providing administrative support to organizations both small and large. Most recently, he served as Senior Clerk at the Student & Teacher Integrated Center for Health Sciences (STICHES), a U.S. Department of Education Title V grant project at Miami Dade College’s Kendall Campus. While there, he provided wraparound services to pre-nursing and pre-health sciences students during their first two years of college. A first-generation post-traditional college student, Joey received his associate’s degree in Political Science from Miami Dade College and his bachelor’s degree in Political Science, with a minor in Anthropology and Sociology, from Florida International University.
Why are you bringing your talent to Excelencia?
As someone who transferred from a community college to a public university while working full-time, I am personally motivated to help increase the engagement of Latino students in higher education and ensure their pathway toward robust professional careers. Excelencia’s commitment to accelerating Latino student success beyond typical metrics, such as full-time college enrollment or financial aid status, sees the whole of our community while also recognizing the distinct needs of all students.
How would you describe working at Excelencia?
Excelencia is constantly working with institutional and community-based leaders to listen, learn, and help develop ways to more intentionally serve Latino students. It is a privilege to work with such a diverse, professional, and innovative team that is so passionately invested in supporting students throughout their academic journeys.