Programs + Initiatives
We Promote Latino Student Success
Excelencia in Education believes the nation can make a measurable difference in increasing Latino student success in higher education by coming together and taking action. Participate in the following programs and initiatives:
have your institution enroll Presidents for Latino Student Success (P4LSS)
nominate programs for the annual Examples of Excelencia
learn about evidence-based programs in the Growing What Works Database
attend the Celebración de Excelencia
invest in Excelencia’s programs and initiatives

Looking to connect with program leaders recognized by Excelencia?
Search the Growing What Works Database (GWW Database) for others positively impacting Latino student outcomes. Excelencia’s GWW Database is the only national, searchable database for institutional leaders, funders, policymakers, and others interested in evidence-based programming for Latino students.

A Community of Action
Excelencia’s institutes, workshops and convenings provide forums for sharing knowledge on effective strategies for Latino student success. These opportunities engage leadership from multiple sectors to focus on Latino students as essential to America’s human capital growth. Our partnership model and asset-based focus on Latino students leads to public recognition of students, institutions, communities and leaders making significant progress in improving Latino student attainment.