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Title III: Leadership, Excellence and Academic Preparation in STEM (LEAPS) Program


Laredo College



Academic Level:


Issue Area:

Support Services

Program Focus:

First Year Support, STEM, Summer Bridge, Undergraduate Research

Key Personnel:

Rosemary Aguero

Contact Info:


Created as part of a Title III HSI STEM Articulation Grant to introduced students to STEM disciplines and careers. The Learning, Excellence and Academic Preparedness in STEM (LEAPS) program at Laredo College aims to provide students interested in the STEM field with on-going student support to assist with the transition into college and provide a seamless transfer process to a four-year university.

Title III: Leadership, Excellence and Academic Preparation in STEM (LEAPS) Program
Program Description

The LEAPS program incorporates a Summer Bridge experience for incoming first-year college students, focused on academic preparedness, hands-on STEM activities, and developing interpersonal skills needed to succeed in college. Throughout the academic year, students received academic advising, tutoring, and mentoring. These activities and services aim to prepare students to transfer to a four-year university with an undergraduate research component, intending to obtain a degree in STEM. 


LEAPS has 165 graduates from Cohort 1-4 (n=380; 43% graduation rate). From those 165 LEAPS students, 135 graduated as a STEM major. For Fall-to-fall Persistence Rates the non-program participant campus retention rate was 50%. Below are annual rates and each cohort began in the Fall of the stated year.

  • Cohort 2017 had 115 students and 79% persisted.

  • Cohort 2018 had 113 students and 86% persisted.

  • Cohort 2019 had 97 students and 92% persisted.

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